Monthly Archives: November 2014

Winter driving

Bad-RoadsWinter driving season is upon us once more, are you ready? You should always keep an emergency kit in your trunk and it should include…
a first aid kit
windshield wiper fluid
an ice scraper
fuel line antifreeze…
booster cables
some kitty litter
traction mats
a shovel in case you get stuck in the snow…
a flashlight so you can see
road flares
a reflective vest so others can see you
matches and a “survival candle” so you can warm your hands without draining the car’s battery
extra clothing and a blanket (a lightweight, heat-reflective blanket is best)
an emergency food pack that includes water
Take the winter tire quiz below to see how knowledgeable you really are about winter tires.
Don’t forget to check the Winter Road Conditions before you leave.
Want to bone up on winter driving? Check out the Winter Driving Fundamentals DVD from the library today!
And always dress appropriately, you don’t want to be this girl….


Almost last minute gift ideas

Last-Minute-Gift-IdeasChristmas is only a month away and many people haven’t even started shopping for their friends and loved ones. You might think you have lots of time still to do your shopping, baking and making of gifts, but once you factor in the office party, family functions, friends Christmas parties, festive concerts at school and your everyday life, there really isn’t much time left to get ready. Not to mention everyone had the same thought and is at the mall with you making it that much harder to get things done.
I’ve done this once or twice where I’ve been in a panic trying to think of what to make someone so I’ve come up with a list of great books that will help you get ready for the holidays. All the titles are available from the Guelph Public Library.
Stitch ‘n swap
Make and give by Steph Hung
Makery by Kate Smith
Edible diy: simple, giftable recipes to savor and share by Lucy Baker
More last-minute knitted gifts by Joelle Hoverson
50 Christmas things to make and do by Minna Lacey
Cards, wrap, and tags by Anna Claybourn

Combining our love of food and literature

food and booksI love to read cook books like novels and books about food or books by chefs. I know I’m not the only one who loves this because I run the cook book club at the Guelph Public Library. I recently was sent an article from The Huffington Post on this very subject by a colleague.
Here are my favorite books from The Huffington Post list and a few of my own that you can sign out of the library. Search for the titles here.
Like water for chocolate by Laura Esquivel
Margarita Wednesday by Deborah Rodriguez
Babette’s feast by Isak Dineses (Karen Blixen)
Chocolate by Joanne Harris
Skinny bitch in love by Kim Barnouin
The sweetness of forgetting by Kristin Harmel
My life in France by Julia Child
My year of meats by Ruth Ozeki
Julie and Julia by Julie Powell
The kitchen daughter by Jael McHenry
Anthony Bourdain’s Les Halles by Anthony Bourdain
Dinner, a love story by Jenny Rosenstrach
Meet me at the Cupcake Café by Jenny Colgan

Beauty tips and tricks

beauty-tips-for-makeupI’m not really a makeup girl, the most I do is put mascara and a bit of tinted lip balm on in the mornings. Don’t get me wrong I love doing my makeup when my husband and I go out on a date or for Halloween but in my daily routine I find it a bit daunting to spend so much time on my makeup when I could be doing other things like making breakfast or doing the lunch prep.
 That being said I would like to learn a few tricks that won’t take more them 5 minutes in the morning so that I don’t look so tired some days.

Here are some amazingly helpful books you can borrow from the library.
Makeup: your guide to beauty, style, and success online and off by Michelle Phan
10-minute makeup by Boris Entrup
The makeup wakeup: revitalizing your look @ any age by Lois Joy Johnson
Bobbi Brown makeup manual by Bobbi Brown
Toss the gloss: beauty tips, tricks, and truths for women 50+ by Andrea Q. Robinson


Wedding Planning


Are you recently engaged, thinking you will get engaged or currently planning your wedding? If so this is the event for you. Natasha Di Carlo, certified wedding coordinator and owner of Dress.Cake.Love will be stopping by to give a crash course on wedding planning. Learn the ins and outs to prepare for your special day. Enjoy 15% off on future wedding consultations if you attend this library event! Stop by the East Side Branch on Wednesday November 12th at 7pm for this great event.