Tag Archives: The Silence Of the Lambs

Happy Halloween


I’m so happy this year that I get to be home to give out candy to all the kids in my neighborhood, last year I had to work and I was so sad to miss seeing all the kids in their costumes.
ghostdress1This year I have some (hopefully) amazing decorations I want to make. I’m really loving these cool chicken wire silhouettes. If you paint them with glow in the dark paint they should look like ghostly dresses wandering around your yard. I have a large front yard that could handle 2 or 3 of these dresses. If it works I think it will make my yard look spooky yet somehow elegant.



Here are some of the scariest books of all time. Check them out …. if you dare ….
It By Steven King
Hell House by Richard Matheson
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The turn of the screw by Henry James
The haunting of Hill house by Shirley Jackson
The silence of the lambs by Thomas Harris
Rosemary’s baby by Ira Levin
The complete tales and poems of Edgar Allen Poe
We need to talk about Kevin by Lionel Shrive
The Ritual by Adam Nevill
The doll in the garden by Mary Downing Hahn
White is for witching by Helen Oyeyemi